Comprehensive Language Learning Module: Exploring Passive Voice, Relative Pronouns, and Conditional Sentences through Engaging Activities

Complete the Sentences with the Correct Relative Pronoun:

  1. The book ______ you recommended turned out to be fascinating. a.that b.whose c.who d.what
  2. This is the girl ______ won the first prize in the art competition. a.whom b.which c.who d.– (no pronoun needed)
  3. We visited the museum ______ is known for its ancient artifacts. Choose TWO correct options. a.that b.– (no pronoun needed) c.which d.whose
  4. The person ______ you were talking to is my sister's colleague. a.whom b.with whom c.who d.– (no pronoun needed)
  5. The movie, ______ special effects were impressive, received several awards. a.who b.– (no pronoun needed) c.which d.that


  1. The book that you recommended turned out to be fascinating.
  2. This is the girl who won the first prize in the art competition.
  3. We visited the museum that/which is known for its ancient artifacts.
  4. The person whom you were talking to is my sister's colleague.
  5. The movie, whose special effects were impressive, received several awards.

Fill in the Blanks with the Appropriate Passive Voice Form:

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct form of the verb in passive voice. Be attentive to the tense and form of "to be" required for each sentence.

  1. The new policy ____________ (announce) next week. a. will be announcing b. is announcing c. will be announced d. is announced
  2. The ancient manuscript ____________ (study) by scholars for years. a. is studied b. has been studied c. was studied d. had been studied
  3. The cake ____________ (bake) by Mary for the special occasion. a. has baked b. was baked c. had been baked d. will be baking
  4. The report ____________ (submit) to the committee yesterday. a. has submitted b. is submitting c. was submitted d. will be submitted
  5. By the time we arrived, the decision ____________ (already/make). a. has already been made b. already made c. had already been made d. already being made


  1. c. will be announced
  2. b. has been studied
  3. b. was baked
  4. c. was submitted
  5. c. had already been made

Complete the Sentences with the Correct Form of the Verb:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb based on the given condition. Pay attention to the structure of the conditional sentences.

  1. If it rains tomorrow, we ____________ (stay) indoors and play board games. a. will stay b. would stay c. stays d. stayed
  2. She ____________ (buy) a new car if she ____________ (win) the lottery. a. will buy / will win b. buys / wins c. would buy / won d. bought / would win
  3. If they ____________ (study) harder, they ____________ (pass) the exam. a. study / will pass b. will study / pass c. studied / would pass d. are studying / pass
  4. We ____________ (go) to the beach if the weather ____________ (be) sunny this weekend. a. go / is b. will go / is c. would go / was d. went / were
  5. If you ____________ (call) me earlier, I ____________ (help) you with your homework. a. call / will help b. callcall / would help c. calls / helps d. would call / helped


  1. a. will stay
  2. c. would buy / won
  3. c. studied / would pass
  4. b. will go / is
  5. b. called / would help