Activity 1: Verb Conjugation Practice

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She ______________ (to go) to the market every Saturday.
  2. They ______________ (to be) excited about the upcoming vacation.
  3. I ______________ (to read) a fascinating book last night.
  4. By the time you arrive, we ______________ (to finish) the project.
  5. He ______________ (to not like) eating vegetables.


  1. goes
  2. are
  3. read
  4. will have finished
  5. does not like

Activity 2: Sentence Matching

Instructions: Match each sentence with its correct ending.

  1. Although she was tired,
  2. If it rains tomorrow,
  3. He didn't go to the party because
  4. She will call you
  5. I can't attend the meeting unless

Endings: a. she wanted to finish her homework first. b. I have another appointment. c. she will bring an umbrella. d. he had already made other plans. e. after she finishes her work.


  1. a
  2. c
  3. d
  4. e
  5. b

Activity 3: Adverb Selection

Instructions: Choose the correct adverb to complete each sentence.

  1. She sings ______________ (beautiful/beautifully) at the concert.
  2. The car moved ______________ (slow/slowly) through the traffic.
  3. They completed the project ______________ (quick/quickly) before the deadline.
  4. He answered the questions ______________ (correct/correctly) during the quiz.
  5. The kids were ______________ (happy/happily) playing in the park.


  1. beautifully
  2. slowly
  3. quickly
  4. correctly
  5. happily

Activity 4: Verb Tense Transformation

Instructions: Rewrite the sentences in the past tense.

  1. She writes a letter every week.
  2. They are watching a movie now.
  3. He buys groceries on Sundays.
  4. I am meeting my friend tomorrow.
  5. The company delivers packages daily.


  1. She wrote a letter every week.
  2. They were watching a movie.
  3. He bought groceries on Sundays.
  4. I met my friend yesterday.
  5. The company delivered packages daily.

1. Verb Conjugation Practice

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. She ______________ (to eat) breakfast every morning.
  2. They ______________ (to visit) their grandparents last weekend.
  3. I ______________ (to call) you as soon as I arrive.
  4. By the time we get there, the movie ______________ (to start).
  5. He ______________ (to play) tennis every Saturday.


  1. eats
  2. visited
  3. will call
  4. will have started
  5. plays

2. Sentence Matching

Instructions: Match each sentence with its correct ending.

  1. If I had known about the party,
  2. She will bring some snacks
  3. Although it was raining,
  4. He was late for work because
  5. They went to the beach since

Endings: a. he missed the bus. b. they wanted to enjoy the sunny weather. c. I would have attended. d. I didn't have an umbrella. e. she is hosting the gathering.


  1. c
  2. e
  3. d
  4. a
  5. b

3. Adverb Selection

Instructions: Choose the correct adverb to complete each sentence.

  1. She completed the exam ______________ (quick/quickly).
  2. The dog barked ______________ (loud/loudly) throughout the night.
  3. He speaks English ______________ (fluent/fluently).
  4. They arrived ______________ (late/late) to the concert.
  5. She worked ______________ (hard/hardly) on her project.


  1. quickly
  2. loudly
  3. fluently
  4. late
  5. hard

4. Verb Tense Transformation

Instructions: Rewrite the sentences in the past tense.

  1. She walks to school every day.
  2. They are reading a new book.
  3. I write emails to my clients regularly.
  4. He is taking a nap right now.
  5. We have a meeting tomorrow.


  1. She walked to school every day.
  2. They were reading a new book.
  3. I wrote emails to my clients regularly.
  4. He took a nap.
  5. We had a meeting yesterday.

5. Fill in the Blanks with Adjectives

Instructions: Complete each sentence with an appropriate adjective.

  1. The ______________ (tall/short) man is my uncle.
  2. She wore a ______________ (red/blue) dress to the party.
  3. The movie was ______________ (interesting/boring).
  4. They live in a ______________ (big/small) house.
  5. The cake tastes ______________ (sweet/sour).


  1. tall
  2. red
  3. interesting
  4. big
  5. sweet

6. Article Usage

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with "a," "an," or "the."

  1. She wants to buy ______________ new car.
  2. ______________ book on the table is mine.
  3. He saw ______________ interesting movie last night.
  4. ______________ apples in the basket are fresh.
  5. I need ______________ umbrella because it’s raining.


  1. a
  2. The
  3. an
  4. The
  5. an

7. Forming Questions

Instructions: Turn the following statements into questions.

  1. You like pizza.
  2. She has finished her homework.
  3. They will join us for dinner.
  4. He can swim very well.
  5. We were late to the meeting.


  1. Do you like pizza?
  2. Has she finished her homework?
  3. Will they join us for dinner?
  4. Can he swim very well?
  5. Were we late to the meeting?

8. Sentence Scramble

Instructions: Rearrange the words to form a correct sentence.

  1. always / I / early / am / to work
  2. us / join / can / you / tonight
  3. very / the / is / book / interesting
  4. likes / she / chocolate / ice cream
  5. went / they / to / the / last / park / weekend


  1. I am always early to work.
  2. Can you join us tonight?
  3. The book is very interesting.
  4. She likes chocolate ice cream.
  5. They went to the park last weekend.

9. Matching Synonyms

Instructions: Match each word with its synonym.

  1. Happy - a. Excited
  2. Fast - b. Joyful
  3. Smart - c. Quick
  4. Brave - d. Intelligent
  5. Angry - e. Courageous


  1. b
  2. c
  3. d
  4. e
  5. a

10. Correct the Errors

Instructions: Identify and correct the errors in the sentences.

  1. She don't like coffee.
  2. He go to the gym every morning.
  3. They was planning a trip.
  4. I have ate lunch already.
  5. We was watching TV yesterday.


  1. She doesn’t like coffee.
  2. He goes to the gym every morning.
  3. They were planning a trip.
  4. I have eaten lunch already.
  5. We were watching TV yesterday.

11. Comparative and Superlative Forms

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective (comparative or superlative).

  1. This book is ______________ (interesting) than that one.
  2. He is the ______________ (tall) player on the team.
  3. My house is ______________ (big) than yours.
  4. This test was ______________ (difficult) than the last one.
  5. She is ______________ (good) at playing the piano.


  1. more interesting
  2. tallest
  3. bigger
  4. more difficult
  5. better

12. Use of Prepositions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

  1. The cat is sitting ______________ the table.
  2. We will meet ______________ the park.
  3. She walked ______________ the street.
  4. The book is ______________ the shelf.
  5. He is interested ______________ learning new languages.


  1. on
  2. at
  3. down
  4. on
  5. in

13. Fill in the Blanks with Pronouns

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.

  1. ______________ is going to the store. (She/He/They)
  2. I saw John and ______________ at the cafe. (him/her/them)
  3. This is ______________ book. (my/mine)
  4. Can you help ______________ with this problem? (me/I)
  5. The children finished ______________ homework early. (their/them)


  1. She/He/They
  2. him
  3. my
  4. me
  5. their

14. Sentence Completion

Instructions: Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

  1. If I could travel anywhere, I would go to ______________.
  2. The best way to learn a new skill is ______________.
  3. My favorite hobby is ______________ because ______________.
  4. When I was a child, I used to ______________.
  5. The most important quality in a friend is ______________.

Answers: (Open-ended)

15. Identify the Parts of Speech

Instructions: Label each word in the sentence with its part of speech.

  1. She quickly ran to the store because she needed milk.

Parts of Speech:

  1. She - Pronoun
  2. quickly - Adverb
  3. ran - Verb
  4. to - Preposition
  5. the - Article
  6. store - Noun
  7. because - Conjunction
  8. she - Pronoun
  9. needed - Verb
  10. milk - Noun

16. Modal Verbs

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb (can, could, should, would, might).

  1. You ______________ call your friend to check if they need help.
  2. She ______________ speak three languages fluently.
  3. If I were you, I ______________ apologize for being late.
  4. We ______________ go to the beach if the weather is nice.
  5. He ______________ have missed the train if he had left earlier.


  1. should
  2. can
  3. would
  4. might
  5. could

17. Rewrite the Sentence

Instructions: Rewrite each sentence using the given word.

  1. She was tired. She went to bed early. (so)
  2. He didn’t see the movie. He didn't read the book. (neither)
  3. I will call you later. (later)
  4. It was raining, but we went outside. (although)
  5. The cat is on the table. The cat is sleeping. (and)


  1. She was tired, so she went to bed early.
  2. He didn’t see the movie, and he didn’t read the book either.
  3. I will call you later.
  4. Although it was raining, we went outside.
  5. The cat is on the table and is sleeping.