Activity 4: Contextual Adverbs

Instructions: Read the sentences carefully and select the most suitable adverb to complete each sentence. Consider the context to make the best choice.

  1. The teacher spoke __________ to ensure everyone understood the lesson.
  2. The cat moved __________ across the room, stalking its prey.
  3. He completed the assignment __________, impressing his classmates.


  1. The teacher spoke clearly to ensure everyone understood the lesson.
  2. The cat moved stealthily across the room, stalking its prey.
  3. He completed the assignment efficiently, impressing his classmates.

Activity 5: Complex Sentences

Instructions: Transform each pair of simple sentences into a complex sentence by adding an appropriate conjunction.

  1. Mary loves reading. She spends hours at the library.
  2. John enjoys playing tennis. He is not very good at it.


  1. Mary loves reading, so she spends hours at the library.
  2. Although John enjoys playing tennis, he is not very good at it.

Activity 6: Prepositions in Action

Instructions: Identify the preposition in each sentence and determine its relationship with the other words.

  1. The cat jumped __________ the table.
  2. They walked __________ the bridge.
  3. The book is __________ the shelf.


  1. The cat jumped off the table.
  2. They walked across the bridge.
  3. The book is on the shelf.

Activity 7: Interjections and Emotions

Instructions: Identify the interjection expressing the emotion in each sentence.

  1. __________! I can't believe you did that.
  2. __________, that was a fantastic performance!
  3. __________, it's freezing outside!


  1. Wow! I can't believe you did that.
  2. Bravo, that was a fantastic performance!
  3. Brr, it's freezing outside!

Activity 8: Pronoun Usage

Instructions: Replace the underlined noun with an appropriate pronoun in each sentence.

  1. Jenny found Jenny's lost keys in the kitchen.
  2. The team celebrated the team's victory with a party.
  3. Mr. Johnson praised Mr. Johnson's students for their hard work.


  1. Jenny found her lost keys in the kitchen.
  2. The team celebrated its victory with a party.
  3. Mr. Johnson praised his students for their hard work.

Activity 9: Adjective Placement

Instructions: Determine the correct placement for the underlined adjective in each sentence.

  1. She bought a beautiful dress for the party.
  2. The old man told a fascinating story.
  3. We visited an ancient castle during our vacation.


  1. She bought a dress beautiful for the party.
  2. The man told a fascinating story.
  3. We visited a castle ancient during our vacation.

Activity 10: Conjunction Challenge

Instructions: Connect the sentences using the appropriate conjunction.

  1. The sun was shining. The birds were singing.
  2. She studied hard. She didn't pass the exam.


  1. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
  2. She studied hard but she didn't pass the exam.

Activity 11: Advanced Verb Tenses

Instructions: Choose the correct verb tense to complete each sentence.

  1. By next year, she __________ (travel) to five different countries.
  2. Before the guests arrived, he __________ (prepare) a delicious meal.
  3. They __________ (work) on the project for several months now.


  1. By next year, she will have traveled to five different countries.
  2. Before the guests arrived, he had prepared a delicious meal.
  3. They have been working on the project for several months now.

Activity 12: Double Conjunctions

Instructions: Combine the sentences using a double conjunction.

  1. She likes pizza. She doesn't eat it often.
  2. He wanted to go to the party. He had too much work to do.


  1. She likes pizza, but she doesn't eat it often.
  2. He wanted to go to the party, yet he had too much work to do.

Activity 13: Parts of Speech Review

Instructions: Identify the part of speech for the underlined word in each sentence.

  1. The sun sets __________ in the west.
  2. The children __________ played in the park all day.
  3. She __________ received a beautiful bouquet of flowers.


  1. Adverb (west)
  2. Adverb (all day)
  3. Verb (received)
