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A) Task :

Listen to the audio and try to answer the following question :           1)- Why is the couple upset? Give three reasons.          2)- Who do you think is more upset, the couple or the waitress ?

B) Answers :

Task 1 (Comprehension) :

  1. Why is the couple upset? Give three reasons.

The couple is upset because of the kid’s behaviour in public as he was totally out of control and almost made the waitress dropped her tray besides that they couldn’t even hear each other speaking because of the loud noise in the restaurant while the parent of the child ignore all the mess caused by him and what’s makes it worse for the couple it’s was taking forever to get their food .

  1. I think  the more upset between the couple and waitress is the couples

than the waitress as she thinks it was hard to deal with the child's behavior but it's still a part of her job since not all parents keep thier kids under control however for the couple it was like a nightmare after all  the trouble they had to go through to get a babysitter for thier child to go out and eat a peacefull meal but they ended up with a noisy undisciplined kid and his unbrothered parents .

  1. Task 2 (Vocabulary and Idioms) :
  2. Based on the context of occurrence, what is the meaning of each of the following expression/word ?

1) All of a sudden =   it was unexpectedly for the couple

2) Out of control = Or undisciplined child that  struggle to manage his impulses effectively. A child that engage in actions without considering the consequences, leading to social, academic, or disciplinary problems .

3) Have a clue = the parent didn’t have a single idea about what their child was doing

4) Take forever = the meal took a long time to get to the couple

5) Go through the trouble of doing something = the couple spend  a lot of time and effort to get a babysitter for their child

6) The bottom line is that = the crucial and the basic thing is that the child must learn how to behave

7) Put up with = the couple will never tolerate that kind of behavior from their kids

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer




1)-The couple that is complaining has children.


a)-Yes, the couple that is complaining has children and they have to go throught a lot trouble to get him a babysister.

2)-The man does not think children should be taken to restaurants.


b)-the man said «I have nothing against taking kids to restaurants, but the bottom line is that kids need to learn how to behave, especially in public»

3)-It took a very long time for food to arrive.


d)- it took a long time for the food to be delivered

4)-The waitress hates her job.


e)-No, She does not hate her work, but rather considers what happens inside the restaurant as part of her daily routine.

5)-The manager is going to ask the couple with the boy to leave.


f)-The converstaion did not specify how the manager would deal with the situation,and wether he asked them to leave or not.

Match the sentences in the first column with those in the second to form coherent conversational pieces.

Column One

Column Two

a)-I do not know where Lora is

1)-I liked it, but my friend didn’t like it at all.

b)-I work 40 hours a week, but I hardly make any money.

2)-So what did you do ?


c)- How do you like that new restaurant ?

3)-I don’t have a clue.

d)-You have had nothing at all to eat. Are you ok?

4)-Let’s help everyone calm down. We need to keep everything under control.

e)-Where do you live?

5)-Look ! Here she comes!

f)-I could not believe it! All of a sudden, he started crying.

6)-I think so. I just do not have an appetite right now


7)-Well; the bottom line is that you need more education so you can get a better job.

4. Matches (a,b)

Colmun a

Column b













A.2) Conversation :

a) (Personne 1): I do not know where Lora is ?

b)(Personne 2) : Look ! Here she comes!

c)(Personne 3) : How do you like that new restaurant ?

d)(Personne 2) : I liked it, but my friend didn’t like it at all.

e)(Personne 1) : You have had nothing at all to eat. Are you ok?

f) (Personne 2) :  I think so. I just do not have an appetite right now

g)(Personne 2) :  I work 40 hours a week, but I hardly make any money.

k)(Personne 3) : Well; the bottom line is that you need more education so you can get a better job.

l)(Personne 7) : I could not believe it! All of a sudden, he started crying.

l)(Personne 9) : So what did you do ?

f)(Personne 8) : Let’s help everyone calm down. We need to keep everything under control.

m)(Personne 11) : Where do you live ?

Check the audio file from the link below :

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