Stories and interviews in English

Stories and interviews in English

· 9 min read
Stories and interviews in English
Stories and interviews in English

Stories and interviews

Example Story:

"In the year 2124, I stepped out of my time machine and was immediately struck by the incredible changes in the world. The cityscape was filled with towering, floating buildings, and vehicles zoomed past silently in the sky. As I wandered through this futuristic metropolis, I encountered advanced technologies that seemed straight out of a science fiction novel.

I visited a museum where I saw exhibits of innovations that will have transformed daily life. By the end of my trip, I will have experienced how people communicate through holograms and will have witnessed robots performing complex tasks that were once considered human-only jobs. I will have interacted with an AI assistant that speaks multiple languages and understands my emotions.

One of the most fascinating discoveries was the new method of space travel. By the time my journey ends, I will have explored the concept of faster-than-light travel and will have taken a short trip to a space station orbiting Earth."

Practice Article: A Journey to Tomorrow


Imagine it’s the year 2124. You have just returned from an incredible trip to the future. The world has changed in astonishing ways, and you’ve experienced many futuristic advancements. In this article, we will explore various aspects of your journey, practicing the future perfect tense to describe what will have happened by the end of your trip.

Section 1: Describing Future Achievements

1.1 Personal Growth

By the end of your trip, you will have achieved several personal goals. Reflect on these achievements using the future perfect tense.

Example Sentences:

  • By the end of my journey, I will have mastered advanced technology skills.
  • By the time I return, I will have learned to communicate with people from different planets.


  • Write 3 Sentences: Describe what you will have accomplished personally by the end of your trip. Use the future perfect tense in each sentence.
    • Example: “By the end of my trip, I will have completed a course in intergalactic diplomacy.”

1.2 Technological Innovations

During your trip, you will have encountered groundbreaking technologies. Use the future perfect tense to describe these innovations.

Example Sentences:

  • By the end of my visit, I will have seen a fully functional flying car.
  • By the time I leave, I will have experienced virtual reality that feels completely real.


  • Create a List: List five technological innovations you will have seen or used during your trip. Write a sentence for each, describing what you will have experienced.
    • Example: “By the end of my trip, I will have used a holographic phone that projects 3D images.”

Section 2: Creating Future Scenarios

2.1 Daily Life in 2124

Imagine daily life 100 years from now. Describe how various aspects of daily life will have changed by the end of your trip.

Example Sentences:

  • By the time I return, people will have adopted new habits for eco-friendly living.
  • By the end of my visit, I will have seen how people use advanced AI for everyday tasks.


  • Future Daily Routine: Write a short paragraph describing your daily routine in the future. Use the future perfect tense to explain what will have changed.
    • Example: “By the end of my trip, I will have enjoyed a daily routine that includes automated cooking and personal robots managing household chores.”

2.2 Interactions with Future Citizens

You will have met people from different backgrounds and cultures in the future. Use the future perfect tense to describe your interactions.

Example Sentences:

  • By the end of my visit, I will have conversed with citizens who use advanced translation devices.
  • By the time I leave, I will have participated in cultural exchanges with people from various futuristic societies.


  • Role-Playing Dialogue: Write a dialogue between you and a futuristic citizen. Use the future perfect tense to describe what you will have learned or experienced from them.
    • Example Dialogue:
      • You: “By the time I finish my visit, I will have learned about your culture’s traditional celebrations.”
      • Futuristic Citizen: “And I will have shown you our new methods of celebrating festivals with virtual reality.”

Section 3: Creative Writing Exercises

3.1 Future Diary Entry

Imagine you’re writing a diary entry about your trip to the future. Use the future perfect tense to describe what will have happened during your journey.

Example Diary Entry: “Dear Diary, By the end of my trip to 2124, I will have experienced a world of incredible advancements. I will have visited a futuristic city where every building is powered by renewable energy. By the time I return, I will have witnessed space tourism becoming a reality and will have participated in a zero-gravity sports competition.”


  • Write Your Diary Entry: Create your own diary entry describing your experiences and discoveries. Focus on using the future perfect tense to explain what will have happened.

3.2 Futuristic Travel Itinerary

Plan an itinerary for a day in the future. Use the future perfect tense to describe what you will have done by the end of the day.

Example Itinerary:

  • 8:00 AM: “By the time I leave the hotel, I will have had a breakfast prepared by a robotic chef.”
  • 10:00 AM: “By noon, I will have toured the city in a self-driving vehicle.”


  • Design Your Itinerary: Create a detailed itinerary for a day in the future. Write sentences using the future perfect tense to describe what you will have accomplished.

Answers: A Journey to Tomorrow

Section 1: Describing Future Achievements

1.1 Personal Growth

Example Sentences:

  1. By the end of my journey, I will have mastered advanced technology skills.
  2. By the time I return, I will have learned to communicate with people from different planets.

Activity Answers:

  1. By the end of my trip, I will have completed a course in intergalactic diplomacy.
  2. By the time I return, I will have gained proficiency in the languages of three alien species.
  3. By the end of my journey, I will have developed skills in zero-gravity sports.

1.2 Technological Innovations

Example Sentences:

  1. By the end of my visit, I will have seen a fully functional flying car.
  2. By the time I leave, I will have experienced virtual reality that feels completely real.

Activity Answers:

  1. By the end of my trip, I will have used a holographic phone that projects 3D images.
  2. By the time I return, I will have witnessed the development of a personal teleportation device.
  3. By the end of my visit, I will have experienced AI-powered medical diagnostics.
  4. By the time I leave, I will have interacted with autonomous drones delivering goods.
  5. By the end of my journey, I will have seen advanced sustainable energy solutions in action.

Section 2: Creating Future Scenarios

2.1 Daily Life in 2124

Example Sentences:

  1. By the time I return, people will have adopted new habits for eco-friendly living.
  2. By the end of my visit, I will have seen how people use advanced AI for everyday tasks.

Activity Answer: “By the end of my trip, I will have enjoyed a daily routine that includes automated cooking and personal robots managing household chores. I will have experienced a new way of shopping where AI predicts and delivers my needs without me having to visit a store.”

2.2 Interactions with Future Citizens

Example Sentences:

  1. By the end of my visit, I will have conversed with citizens who use advanced translation devices.
  2. By the time I leave, I will have participated in cultural exchanges with people from various futuristic societies.

Activity Answer:

  • Role-Playing Dialogue:
    • You: “By the time I finish my visit, I will have learned about your culture’s traditional celebrations.”
    • Futuristic Citizen: “And I will have shown you our new methods of celebrating festivals with virtual reality.”

Section 3: Creative Writing Exercises

3.1 Future Diary Entry

Example Diary Entry: “Dear Diary, By the end of my trip to 2124, I will have experienced a world of incredible advancements. I will have visited a futuristic city where every building is powered by renewable energy. By the time I return, I will have witnessed space tourism becoming a reality and will have participated in a zero-gravity sports competition.”

Activity Answer:

  • Write Your Diary Entry:
    • “Dear Diary, By the end of my trip to 2124, I will have seen how advanced medicine has revolutionized health care. I will have traveled to an orbiting space station and will have participated in a spacewalk. By the time I return, I will have observed new forms of entertainment that blend physical and virtual worlds seamlessly.”

3.2 Futuristic Travel Itinerary

Example Itinerary:

  • 8:00 AM: “By the time I leave the hotel, I will have had a breakfast prepared by a robotic chef.”
  • 10:00 AM: “By noon, I will have toured the city in a self-driving vehicle.”

Activity Answer:

  • Design Your Itinerary:
    • 8:00 AM: “By the time I leave the hotel, I will have enjoyed a meal cooked by an AI chef that adapts to my dietary preferences.”
    • 10:00 AM: “By noon, I will have visited a 3D park where landscapes are customized based on my mood.”
    • 2:00 PM: “By the afternoon, I will have attended a holographic concert featuring artists from around the world.”
    • 6:00 PM: “By the evening, I will have relaxed in a zero-gravity lounge, experiencing weightlessness.”

Context: Job Interview for a Senior Project Manager Position

Scenario: A job interview is taking place for a Senior Project Manager position at a leading tech company. The candidate, Alex, is meeting with Jamie, the hiring manager, to discuss their qualifications and experience. The interview focuses on the candidate’s past project management experiences, skills, and how they would handle various scenarios in the role. The dialogue incorporates the use of different tenses, including the future perfect tense, to explore the candidate's vision for the role.


Jamie: Good morning, Alex. Thank you for coming in today. How are you?


Alex: Good morning, Jamie. I’m doing well, thank you. I’m excited to be here and discuss the Senior Project Manager position.


Jamie: Great to hear! Let’s start by discussing your background. Can you tell me about a major project you managed in your previous role and what you achieved?


Alex: Certainly. In my last position at XYZ Corporation, I led a cross-functional team in developing a new software platform. By the end of the project, we will have successfully launched the platform on schedule and within budget. The product has since increased our client satisfaction scores by 30%.


Jamie: Impressive. Looking ahead, if you were to join our team, what would be your top priorities in the first six months?


Alex: By the end of my first six months, I will have completed a comprehensive review of the ongoing projects and assessed their progress. I will have also met with key stakeholders to understand their expectations and aligned our project goals with the company’s strategic objectives. Additionally, I will have identified areas for process improvements and implemented changes to enhance team efficiency.


Jamie: That sounds like a solid plan. Can you provide an example of how you handled a challenging project scenario in the past?


Alex: Certainly. There was a project where we faced significant delays due to unforeseen technical issues. By the time we resolved the problems, I will have coordinated with our technical team to implement a revised project timeline and communicated transparently with our clients about the delays. This proactive approach helped us manage client expectations and ultimately complete the project with minimal impact on our reputation.


Jamie: It’s clear you have experience dealing with challenges. How do you handle conflicts within your team?


Alex: When conflicts arise, I prioritize open communication and seek to understand the perspectives of all involved parties. By the time we resolve the conflict, I will have facilitated a series of discussions to address the underlying issues and find common ground. My goal is to ensure that team members feel heard and to collaboratively develop solutions that align with our project goals.


Jamie: That’s a thoughtful approach. Let’s talk about the future. If you were successful in securing this role, how do you envision your impact on the team and the projects?


Alex: By the end of my first year, I will have fostered a collaborative team environment where members feel empowered to contribute their ideas. I will have introduced new project management tools and methodologies that improve our workflow and increase our project delivery success rate. Additionally, I will have developed strong relationships with key clients, ensuring we exceed their expectations and build long-term partnerships.


Jamie: Excellent. We also value continuous improvement. How do you stay current with industry trends and incorporate new practices into your projects?


Alex: I regularly attend industry conferences and webinars, and I am an active member of several professional groups. By the time I start this role, I will have researched and evaluated emerging trends that could benefit our projects. I will integrate relevant best practices and tools into our processes to ensure we remain competitive and innovative.


Jamie: That’s great to hear. Lastly, do you have any questions for me about the role or our company?


Alex: Yes, I do. Can you tell me more about the company’s long-term vision and how the Senior Project Manager role contributes to achieving those goals?


Jamie: Absolutely. Our long-term vision focuses on expanding our market presence and driving innovation in our industry. As a Senior Project Manager, you will play a critical role in managing key projects that align with our strategic objectives. You will have the opportunity to influence our project portfolio and drive significant impact across the organization.


Alex: That sounds very exciting. I’m eager to contribute to your team and support the company’s vision. Thank you for the opportunity to interview.


Jamie: Thank you, Alex. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you. We’ll be in touch soon with the next steps.


Alex: I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!


Jamie: You too. Goodbye!
